אתרי עזר
עודכן: 24.09.2024
הרחב הכל
כללי ציטוט וקיצורים
קישורים לספרניות וספרנים
Cataloging Tools
Library of Congress Subjects - LCS
National Library Name Authority List - NNL
General Sites
Internet Library for Librarians
Interlibrary Loan
British Council - Document Supply
Ingenta Select - Electronic only collection
Journal Archives
Library Catalogs
Copac Libraries - Copac: Catalogues of some Irish and UK Research Libraries
GULLiver - Library Catalog of Georgetown Law Library
Harvard University Hollis Catalog
JULIUS - Library Catalog at NYU Law
The Library of Congress Homepage
Melvyl - The Catalog of the University of California Libraries
Newton - Universities of Cambridge Libraries Catalog
Pegasus - Columbia University Law Library Catalog
Library Organizations
Asmi - Israel Society of Libraries and Information Centers
IALL - The International Association of Law Libraries